Wolfeboro Falls, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the populations and steets of Wolfeboro Falls City, New Hampshire. Use this list to plan a trip to the area. You can also use it to locate cities that are 100 miles away from North Wolfeboro. There are many things to do in Wolfeboro. You may want to explore the surrounding area while you are there. If you are looking for a small-town feel, consider visiting Wolfeboro.

The city of Wolfeboro is a census-designated place. It is located in central New Hampshire and has a total area of 7.3 square miles (19 square kilometers). This includes 7.0 square miles (18 km2) of land and 0.3 square miles (0.78 km2) of water. The city is home to Wentworth State Park, a 50-acre state park located on the shore of Lake Wentworth.

There are 4,846 dwelling units in Wolfeboro. The city has an average household income of $86,160. The area is considered economically stable with a low unemployment rate of 4.3 percent. The city is part of the Governor Wentworth Regional School District. There are two elementary schools, which are both over four hundred students each, a middle school with 371 students, and a high school that serves over nine hundred students. Another excellent facility is the Lakes Region Technology Center.

Crime rates vary depending on where you live in the city. Crime rates may be higher in areas close to parks and major airports, but crimes are crimes no matter where people gather. The best way to determine crime rates is to visit the city's local police department and ask for the latest information on crime. By doing so, you can make an informed decision about how to spend your time and money in this city.