Clementon, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Cementon City, New Jersey? If you are, you've come to the right place. Read on to discover the demographics of this NJ city and what it means for you. In Clementon, the population is approximately 4,911 people. The city is considered very small, and has a low poverty rate. But it is not necessarily that the residents of Clementon aren't suffering from low incomes or a lack of basic necessities.

The population of Clementon, NJ is comprised mostly of young adults and people starting families. There are about 2,282 men and 2,657 women living in this town. The average age of residents is 36. A typical family size is 3.5 people. Clementon ranks 11293 nationally and 290 in the state for its diversity. With these demographics, it's easy to see why residents of Clementon are so happy here.

Crime statistics for Clementon can be confusing. Some places show higher crime rates than others, but it's hard to compare violent crime rates between neighborhoods. Clementon, NJ has lower crime rates than its surrounding cities. The northwest part of the city is more dangerous than the east and west parts of the city. However, there is a significant difference between the two cities. While the east part of the city is safer, the southwest portion is much more crowded with retail establishments.

The population of Clementon, NJ has an estimated 2.1k residents. The city is located in Camden, NJ, approximately 112 miles away from Philadelphia, PA. Its air quality index (AQI) was 97.7 in 2018. While the city has slightly higher air pollution levels than the rest of New Jersey, this is well above the average. So if you're considering living in Clementon, NJ, check out some of the affordable luxury apartment options in the city.