Glen Gardner, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to find out the Population & Steets in Glen Garden City? This information is provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. These data come from the most recent rebased population figures available and are updated yearly. However, you should note that these statistics are not guaranteed to be completely accurate. For the most up-to-date information, visit the official website of the US Census Bureau.

The racial makeup of the Glen Gardner city is quite diverse. A majority of residents are White. However, if you want to learn about the ethnic breakdown in the city, you can check out the racial diversity map. This map shows the percentage of residents of different races in Glen Gardner. The darker the shade of a color, the more people live in that racial group.

If you're looking to protect your family, make sure you know the population and crime statistics in Glen Gardner. The city's violent crime rate is 0.74 per thousand people based on a standard year. The most violent part of the city is the northeast area. The southeast is considered safe. The chances of being a victim of violent crime are as high as 1 in 779 in the northeast part of the city, while a violent crime rate of one in 3,482 is recorded in the southeast. It's important to note that comparing violent crime rates is not as intuitive as it seems.

The population of the city is expected to grow by 1.3 percent by 2020. The city is located in the county of Hunterdon. Its official name is Glen Gardner. In addition to the city, it has alternate unofficial names, including Clarkesville, Sodom, Spruce Run, and Sodom. Glen Gardner also includes several colleges and nursing facilities. In addition to these, the city has several correctional facilities.