Margate City, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering what the Population & Steets in Marggate City are? In 2010 the population of the city was 6,354, down from 6.7k in 2000 and 1.27% lower than in 1990. The city is located in Atlantic County, New Jersey. The US Census Bureau's American Community Survey provides this data. It does not guarantee its accuracy. The following table shows the race and ethnicity of residents in Margate City.

The ZIP Code for Margate City is 07936. The city is located in Atlantic, New Jersey. The USPS designates the city as Margate, but locals use the default name. You can find the population in 2010 and 2020, as well as the street name. For more information about the area, check out the Margate City Museum's website. You'll also find the city's street name and ZIP Code.

One-third of Americans are in this age group. Margate City's 18 and older civilian population is made up of 9% veterans. Veterans represent 4.8% of the population in New Jersey and 7.5% in the United States. It's important to note that the median age of Margate City is lower than the average age for Americans. Margate City's average age was sixty in 2018, but that number has risen to 58. The most common foreign-born origin for Margate City residents in 2019 was India. This city also has a high percentage of residents from countries like the Dominican Republic, India, and Mexico.

The city's governing body is a commission. There are three commissioners, each elected at-large to four-year terms. Each commissioner oversees a specific department. The mayor is elected from among these three. In addition to being a commissioner, the Mayor is the head of the city government. Margate has an active nightlife, and restaurants offer world-class cuisine and after-beach snacks.