Mizpah, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How many people live in Mizpah? These numbers may surprise you, but these are the most accurate of any town in New Jersey. In fact, it's possible to live in Mizpah and still not have to worry about noise or walking distance. If you're a newcomer to the area, you can get an idea of the overall population and density in Mizpah by looking at the walk score for each neighborhood.

According to the US Census Bureau, Mizpah City has a population of 99 residents and an average household income of $21,458. That's significantly lower than the median household income in the rest of Minnesota, which is 7.29%. However, it is important to note that one in ten households in Mizpah is classified as poor, so the city's poverty rate is higher than the state's average.

In addition to income, housing conditions, and neighborhood size, there are other factors to consider when looking for a new home in Mizpah. Ideally, the houses in a neighborhood don't look alike, and each home should have at least one parking space. However, if the garage is filled with vehicles, it's difficult to find desirable neighbors. Fortunately, the city maintains its streets regularly, so you can easily identify who to live among.