Montville, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking for ways to target your local advertising, you may be interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Montvile City, Connecticut. This city has a diverse population that includes 83.1% whites, 6.5% blacks, 2.9% Asians, and 6.9% Hispanics. The median household income is $61,948 and the average household makes $69,207. This city has a high school graduation rate of 77% and a low percentage of residents dropping out of college.

The population of Montville, NJ has fluctuated through the years. In 1710, Dutch farmers moved into the area. The name "Uyle-Kill" was the original Dutch spelling of owl-kill, which was the name given to the creek and valley. After being incorporated in 1743, Montville had more than a dozen mills and sawmills. The townsmen produced paper products, woolen cloth, cotton textiles, and wooden wheelclocks.

There are 7,380 households in Montville. A majority of them are married, with only a few single-person households. However, the township is home to many seniors and international travelers. This means that Montville has plenty of opportunities to expand. And if you want to see more of the beautiful area, Montville is a good place to live. But before you make any decisions about the size of your home, make sure to find the right fit for your needs and goals.

A little history about Montville can be found at the New England Hebrew Farmers of the Emanuel Society Synagogue and Creamery Site. It is located near the intersection of Connecticut Routes 161 and 85. It is four miles southwest of Montville and is licensed under Creative Commons 3.0. There are also many other interesting historical sites in Montville. In the past, a church was built by the Mohegan tribe. The congregation is still in operation today, and the Mohegan Chapel has been renamed after its architect, John Warner Barber.