Neptune, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Neptune City, New Jersey, population was 4,869 at the 2010 census. This was a decrease of 349 from the 2000 Census and an increase of 221 over the 1990 Census. On March 13, 1907, the eastern portion of Neptune City was annexated to the Borough of Bradley Beach. Named after the Roman water deity Neptune, the borough's first borough hall was built in 1902. It was located at the northwest corner of Evergreen Avenue and Railroad Avenue, now Memorial Drive.

The percentage of the population living below the poverty line in Neptune City, NJ is 13.0%. This is lower than the national average of 12.7%. This is an area where the number of people below the poverty line is higher. The average income of the population in Neptune City is $60,368. This is a slight increase from the previous year. In Neptune City, NJ, the most common industries are Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, Construction, and Manufacturing. The highest paying industries are Utilities and Public Administration.

The median age of all residents of Neptune City, NJ is 41.9 years old. Those born outside the city are almost equally divided. In 2018, foreign-born residents of Neptune City, NJ were 38.3% older than native-born citizens. The median age for native-born residents was 44. In 2000, Neptune City, NJ was ranked 4,290. The population is 11.8% smaller than in 2000.