Nutley, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know how many people live in Nutley City? The population of this township in Essex County, New Jersey, is 28,434 people. You can find out the population and other statistics by visiting the town's website. Here is a quick list of the most popular people and places in Nutley City. You can also view the population and Steets by neighborhood.

The population of Nutley, NJ includes people from many regions of the world. While the population is mostly white, there are also significant numbers of Asian, Hispanic, and black residents. When determining who you should target, you should also look at the average income and home ownership in the town. The median household income in Nutley is $71,845 dollars. The average household income is $86,231 dollars. Additionally, the township has a 77% high school graduation rate, so you can see that your target audience will be a diverse group.

A number of prominent citizens lived in Nutley in the 19th century. One of these was John Bouvier, a successful trial lawyer who served as president of the Nutley Board of Education. He was also a trustee at St. Mary's RC Church, and his granddaughter was active in the town's civic life. The community spirit is a hallmark of Nutley, New Jersey.