Penns Grove, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to relocating to a new city, one of the most important considerations is the cost of living. Penns Grove, Illinois, is lower-cost than most major cities in the U.S., but some areas can be more expensive for various reasons. The cost of housing, transportation, health care, and other miscellaneous expenses may be higher in some areas than others.

The population of Penns Grove is roughly one third the size of New Jersey. The average age of the people living in Penns Grove is 29.2. This is significantly lower than that of the population of New Jersey, which is 37.2% larger. Its median income is $36,486 per year. The city has no high-rises and no public schools. However, it does have a few small businesses that provide services and amenities to its residents.

The poverty rate of Pennsgrove is quite high, at 31.9%, while the national average is 10-13%. This city has a large number of young adults, who are in their early 30s, and a family size of three. The diversity of Penns Grove is also high, ranking 265th in diversity in the U.S. and 9660th in the country. However, this does not mean that this city is without diversity.

The land area of Penns Grove is 0.93 square miles, and the city is within the boundaries of Delaware and Pennsylvania. The state's population is 1.517,550 people, and Philadelphia is only twenty-five miles away. The air quality index was 97.1 in 2018, which was a bit worse than average. Penns Grove has a high historical tornado activity, 3% higher than the state average, and a category F3 tornado caused at least $5000 worth of damage in the area.