Pt Pleasant Beach, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Point Pleasant Beach City are available here. The following table shows you the breakdown of the various occupations in this city. The most common job groups are Management Occupations, Sales & Related Occupations, and Personal Care & Service Occupations. The percentage of households that are car owners in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ is higher than the national average and the neighboring geographies.

Point Pleasant Beach is located in Ocean County, New Jersey. The ZIP Code for this city is 07909. The USPS has designated this ZIP Code with D (Default). The default name is 'Point Pleasant Beach.' Most people refer to this city by its default name. This page also contains a list of schools in Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey. There is also a Point Pleasant Beach map for your reference.

The median household income in Point Pleasant Beach is $103,940. The median age is 48.9 and the median household income is $103,940. Point Pleasant Beach, NJ has a minority population of 5.8%. The unemployment rate is 8.04 percent and the poverty rate is 1.96%. It has a low education rate and a high poverty rate. However, Point Pleasant Beach's population is growing.

Point Pleasant Beach City has a population of approximately 50,000. The age distribution is fairly typical, with twenty-two percent of the population under the age of eighteen. Seventy-three percent of the population was above the age of twenty-four, while 41.2% was over sixty. The median age is 43. One in four households is made up of seniors. In 2016, there were no evictions in Pt Pleasant Beach City.