Sea Bright, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of Sea Bright City? There's a lot of information you can find on this topic - everything from how many people live in the city to how many people commute to work by car, ferryboat, or walking. But, if you're curious about the actual numbers, this report will help you. Take a look at the chart below to learn more.

The population of Sea Bright City, NJ is 1,387 people. The median household income is $83,244. The poverty rate in the city is 3.44%. In other words, Sea Bright residents are getting older. Those who are foreign-born are older than the population of Sea Bright, NJ. In 2019, people in Sea Bright City came from India. The Dominican Republic and Mexico each had 117,713 residents.

The Climate of Sea Bright is humid subtropical. The Koppen climate classification system classifies it as a Cfa climate. This means that the average temperature of the city is 33.3 degrees Fahrenheit (fahrenheit), with a seasonal variation of 5.3 degrees Celsius. The average spring leaf-out date is 23 March, and there are periods of high humidity. Fall colors typically peak in early November.