Stone Harbor, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking for a home in Stone Harbor City, you'll be interested to know the population and steets. These two factors will help you determine whether Stone Harbor is the right place to move. The population of Stone Harbor is 875 people, and the median household income is $81,111. The poverty rate in Stone Harbor is also low, at 3.21%. Although there are many reasons for evictions, the main reason is failure to pay rent. In addition, evictions are indicative of an ailing economy.

The Stone Harbor Beach Patrol building will cost about $2.4 million and is scheduled to be completed in 2022. The Stone Harbor borough council decided three years ago that the building needed replacing, but then argued about the costs. The Stone Harbor Beach Patrol has been without a building for several years, and the new structure will be built along 95th Street, near the beach. During the construction, the Stone Harbor Borough Council approved the building project despite its hefty price tag.

This year, the Stone Harbor borough council will discuss a new trash collection service. Councilman Reese Moore, chair of the standing committee on Public Works, presented three proposals to residents. The borough had a hard time attracting summer employees, so the borough is now using the winter trash schedule instead. The borough plans to wait until the seasonal staff numbers are adequate to sustain the increased summer operation.