Strathmere, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to find out how safe the population and steets of Strathmere are? This map will show you which areas are the safest. Areas in Strathmere that are considered unsafe are highlighted in red, while areas that are considered moderately safe are highlighted in yellow. Crime rates are also shown on the map, with the most common crimes depicted in red. Fortunately, the city of Strathmere is in the safest percentile when compared to other cities. In fact, only 1% of the surrounding cities are deemed as more dangerous than Strathmere.

The population of Strathmere is composed of both white and non-white residents. In addition to White people, many residents have Irish, Italian, Yugoslavian, or West Indian ancestry. The predominant languages spoken in Strathmere are English, Spanish, and Slavic. The majority of the population in Strathmere speaks English, but some residents also speak Slavic and Italian.

In 2010, a census showed that there were a total of 191 residents in Strathmere. The percentage of renter-occupied units in the city was 9.8%. This was much higher than the corresponding figures in some nearby cities, such as Port Republic, Greenwich, and Pine Valley. And, in terms of evictions, there were 0 in Strathmere.

The area around the Strathmere beach was named Whale Beach after the whales that often came to shore. The name remained, however, after the town was annexed in 1905. The town also has two other oceanfront beaches. The latter is free to the public, and both have lifeguards on duty to protect the public. And Strathmere was formerly known as Corson's Inlet.