Villas, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Villas City, NJ are important to understand when looking to relocate to the area. The median age of residents in the city is 44.3 years old. While the average age of native-born citizens is 44 years old, the median age of foreign-born residents is 41 years old. The most common birthplace for foreign-born residents is India, followed by the Dominican Republic and Mexico.

The median property value in Villas, NJ was $192,600 in 2019. Eighty percent of households in Villas, NJ own their homes, with an average commute time of 20.1 minutes. There are approximately 8.77k people residing in Villas, NJ. 97.9% of Villas residents are U.S. citizens, while 5.6% of residents were born outside of the country. In Villas, NJ, a full quarter of the population resides in the neighborhood surrounding the city.

The median household income in Villas is $1,248 per month, and males earn 1.38 times the average income of females. The income inequality in Villas, NJ is 0.493, higher than the national average. While there are many neighborhoods in Villas with different median incomes, these three are mostly similar in terms of income. The median household income in Villas is $1,248 a month, which is considerably less than the national average.

While the demographics of a neighborhood can help buyers understand a city's feel, there is no definitive answer as to the quality of life. While 81% of Villas' homes are owner-occupied and households average 2.3 members, many home buyers look for peace and quiet and proximity to nature and open spaces. There is no one size fits all for every lifestyle. Therefore, choosing a home is an individual decision and a good neighborhood will determine your happiness.