West Cape May, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in West Cape May City, NJ? The population of West Cape May, NJ is comprised of 1.09k people, with a median age of 54. The city is comprised mostly of White (Non-Hispanic) residents, with a lower percentage of foreign-born residents. The state is home to more than half of all Americans, while only 0.823% of residents speak a language other than English.

The Borough of West Cape May is an incorporated place with a C5 Census Class Code, which means it is an active municipality or county subdivision. The city's Functional Status Code is "A," which indicates it is a government with primary general-purpose functions. It is comprised of several distinct neighborhoods, each with a unique mix of races. For example, if there were only white neighborhoods in the city, it would be considered a poor, uninspiring community.

The borough's population is composed of both individuals and households. There are more than five hundred households. Twenty-one percent of households are family-based, with a male and female householder sharing the same address. The borough has a low percentage of foreign-born residents, and the percentage of residents with a bachelor's degree is significantly below the state average. The median household size is 2.16 people.

The Borough of West Cape May does not impose development fees on approved developments. Any funds not expended in development fees will be forfeited to the New Jersey Affordable Housing Trust Fund, established under section 20 of P.L. 1985, c.222. The money will be used to fund affordable housing projects. With this revenue, the city will continue to grow. In fact, West Cape May is considered a highly-inspiring town.