West Wildwood, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to move to West Wildwood City, NJ, you've likely heard a lot of different demographic data about this coastal town. From the number of foreign-born residents to the median age, this community has a lot to offer. Read on for more demographic information. And don't forget to check out the weather - West Wildwood has a high humidity level, which means that it is especially humid during the winter months.

The population of West Wildwood is approximately 40% female and 60% male. The population is made up of households with children ranging from six to nineteen. The majority of households are married and have children, with 46.8% of households consisting of married couples. Another 14.5% are non-families, while the rest are made up of individuals. 17.3% of the households in the city are headed by senior citizens living alone.

A key indicator of the economy is the poverty rate, which is the percentage of the population living below the poverty line. The lower the number, the more prosperous a society is. The West Wildwood area's poverty rate is 3.7%, while Wildwood Crest and Estell Manor are each three percent below the poverty line. Meanwhile, the state's poverty rate is 8.16%. And if you want to see a more accurate representation of the community's economic health, consider contacting the local Chamber of Commerce.

The West Wildwood, NJ, ZIP code is a combination of towns and neighborhoods. A ZIP Code can include several "alternative names" for the same area. Despite the fact that West Wildwood is the same as the city of Ocean City, it's still popular with locals, because it's close to Philadelphia. West Wildwood is home to 540 people and has lost 16.0% of its population since the year 2020.