Bernalillo, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Demographic data from the U.S. Census Bureau are used for population estimates. This data is updated annually and whenever new data is released. However, the data is not guaranteed to be complete or accurate. For this reason, you should verify the information provided by the U.S. Census Bureau before relying on it.

Bernalillo is a mid-sized city and college town located near the center of New Mexico. The weather in Bernalillo is pleasant during the months of May, October, and December. In addition, the city's median household income is $42,775.

In 2010 the city's population was 19,880. This is lower than the average for New Mexico. The city has a lower rent burden than its neighboring cities, such as Bayfield and Cortez. As of 2016, 94.6% of Bernalillo's housing units are occupied by renters.

Bernalillo is part of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Statistical Area. In 1620, the wine grape was introduced to the area. Soon after, the town's vineyards were flourishing and families were making their own wine. However, due to the effects of drought and floods, the wine industry declined. However, it slowly returned and continues to support the economy of the city.

The population of the City has grown over the past decades. By 2000, the population of the City had risen to more than 19,000 people. Of these, over 10,000 were in the economic base category.