Bosque, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in finding out more information about Population & Steets in Bocque City? If so, you have come to the right place. We have compiled a comprehensive list of important information about the city and the county, as well as local landmarks and businesses. You can also find traffic and road conditions for the area, along with current population estimates. Bosque County, Texas, has a population of 18,603 according to the United States Census.

Bosque County is home to several cities, towns, and neighborhoods. Clifton is the county seat and was founded in 1852. It was located north of the Whipple Truss Bridge. This area was home to the Old Rock School. The community was an agricultural center, supporting several smaller towns in the area. However, the township has recently lost some of its population. Population & Steets in Bosque City

In the aftermath of the Civil War, Bosque County began making strides. The population increased from 4,981 people in 1860 to 11,216 in 1880. Black population increased from 293 to 528 people in 1870. However, during this period, lawlessness was rampant and the Austin Daily State Journal reported two homicides a week. Many White residents blamed the Republican government for the violence.

The first county election took place in 1854. A small turnout elected local government officials. The next significant election, which took place in February of 1861, involved secession. The Bosque County citizens voted to secede from the United States by a margin of 233 to 81. However, the Norwegians in the south voted against secession and remained loyal to the Union throughout the Civil War.