Brimhall, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to find out the Population & Steets in Brimmall City? There are several resources to help you find out! First, read about the community. If you're new to the area, check out the population data for nearby cities. They are all within 126 miles of Brimhall Nizhoni, NM. You can then use this information to book your flight or plan a road trip.

The population of Brimhall Nizhoni is 327. The median home value is $78,300 and the city has a diversity score of 3.1%. It's easy to find a home in this community if you know where to look! Listed below are the most popular neighborhoods in the city. If you're considering moving to the area, check out the following information:

The population of Brimhall is 91% owner-occupied, with a median household size of 3.0 people. The quality of life for residents is largely subjective, but some buyers prefer a walkable neighborhood, while others love the peace and quiet of a suburban setting. Some people also enjoy the proximity to open spaces and nature. Whichever neighborhood you choose, you can be confident that your new home will be a great fit for you!

Demographic data can provide a lot of information about the city. The median income for males was $25,455, while the median income for females was $15,938. Per capita income for Brimhall City is $8,290. The median age for people in the city is 26. In addition, a quarter of households were non-families, while the rest of the population were individuals. There were also a few senior citizens living alone, with an average household size of 3.93.