Canjilon, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population of Canjilon, New Mexico, you've come to the right place. Check out our map to find all the important sites and places in the city. Also, you'll find useful information about Canjilon City's climate, schools, and public services. In addition, we've listed the top places to eat in Canjilon.

If you're planning a road trip or want to see more of the area, consider looking into the towns surrounding Canjilon. The closest large cities will be at least a few hours away, but there are other smaller towns in the region as well. The following cities are within 30 miles and 100 miles of Canjilon, NM. Listed below are some of these towns.

CANJILON is located in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. It has a population of 256 as of the 2010 Census. It has a post office with ZIP code 87515 and is located on New Mexico State Road 115. There are many ways to contact the city. For example, you can use the phone number for the city's municipal department, or visit their website.

Canjilon, NM is 100% US-based. As of 2019, 100% of its population is hispanic. The following chart shows the breakdown of race and ethnicity in Canjilon City. There are 7 races in Canjilon, NM. Including whites, Hispanics, and Black or African American, 100% of the population is hispanic. Canjilon, NM is home to a large population of Gulf War veterans.