Caprock, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick and easy way to find out the Population & Steets in CapRock City is to use a local search engine. A local search will give you a list of nearby cities. You can then use this list to find cities that are within a hundred miles of Cap Rock, TX. These cities may have higher population, but are far less populated than Caprock. This page contains information about the local population of Caprock City.

Post, Texas is the county seat of Garza County and is located on Highway 84, three miles south of Cap Rock. Post quickly gained a reputation as a gateway to the plains of West Texas and a popular stop for tourists. The downtown area of Post includes many historic buildings. The Algerita Hotel and the C.W. Post Double U Building are two examples of historic buildings. The old First National Bank Building is also historic. In the last three years, four historic buildings in Post have been restored.

CapRock West 202 Logistics is located within the Southeast Quadrant of the I-10 Freeway. It is within a one-day drive of Phoenix's main consumer markets and logistics hubs. Its industrial market has achieved a record level of absorption in the first half of 2021 and the highest level in all of 2020. CapRock Partners' Don MacWilliam and Payson MacWilliam represented CapRock Partners in the development of the industrial property, CapRock West 202 Logistics.