Chimayo, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population and steets of Chimayo City? Listed below are the top three cities within 104 miles of Chimayo City, NM. You can book flights to the major cities or take a road trip to smaller cities nearby. If you want to know more about Chimayo City, NM, you can visit its official website. There you will find all the information you need about this town.

The potrero plaza of Chimayo is home to the Catholic chapel, commonly known as 'El Santuario de'. It was built in 1816 by a private citizen, and donated to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe in 1929. Today, the church is managed by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. You can find more detailed information on Chimayo City's history, demographics, and community on our detailed Chimayo City map.

Chimayo, NM's most common racial group is Hispanic, followed by White and Other. The number of White residents is only 200, but there are still many residents in these categories. As you can see, the median income of Chimayo is nearly N/A. It is estimated that 86.3% of the population lives in this NM community. You can find more information about the population of Chimayo, NM by looking at the Census Bureau's data.