Embudo, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are many things to know about the Population & Steets of Embudo City. First, you should know that there are 383 residents of Embudo. Of that total, 77 are under the age of 20. This is a combination of males and females, as well as people with children and those over the age of 20. However, you should know that these figures do not reflect the total population of Embudo City.

For a general idea of the safety of residents and visitors, you can see the crime map in Embudo. You will notice that the number of identity theft crimes is higher than average. The city is rated 20th out of 80% in terms of safety. Crime rates in Embudo are higher than the average for cities, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't be worried.

The first known settlement in Embudo was the Ancient Pueblo prehistoric culture. In the late 1700s, the Spanish culture arrived and began the Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico culture. The Embudo Mountains were named after this settlement. Embudo was later renamed to Dixon when a train stopped at Embudo Station on the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad. The town was also named after Presbyterian missionary Collins Dixon, who helped the community during the late 1800s.