Estancia, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets of Estancia City, New Mexico, you have come to the right place. You can find the population and steets of Estancia by checking the table below. If you are considering making a road trip to Estancia City, check out the list below. These towns are all within 100 miles of Estancia.

In the past, Estancia was a small town that rivaled Albuquerque and had an airstrip off its main street. The town's mayor bet against the mayor of Albuquerque and ended up losing, but it's still a viable rural community with a cowboy atmosphere. There are also several restaurants in Estancia that draw visitors from throughout Torrance County.

Among the 1,104 people in Estancia, New Mexico, the median age is 35.6 years. This age group is equally split between native and foreign-born residents. Those who were born outside of the United States were the most likely to be Hispanic and were also the most educated. A median household income of $36,580 is common for Estancia residents. A high percentage of residents also have a bachelor's or higher degree.

The population of Estancia is a diverse group. Forty-one percent of residents are U.S. citizens. Its median property value is $109,400. About 67% of the residents are homeowners. The median age of residents is 34. The majority of people in the town drove alone to work, with the average commute time being 22.6 minutes. Households in the town average two cars.