Fort Stanton, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Fort Stanton, District of Columbia, is a neighborhood of Washington, D.C. with a population of 383. Fort Stanton is a residential neighborhood that has a unique urban-suburban feel. The area is home to numerous parks, and residents tend to be liberal in outlook. Listed below are the population and steets of Fort Stanton.

The zip code for Fort Stanton is 77449. There are 112,317 residents living in the zip code. There are 32,207 households, and the average family size is 3.81 persons. The median age is 32 years old, and most people are married. The median household income is $71,096. Approximately 34.3 minutes is required to commute to work. This area has a number of amenities to offer residents, including a public library, a public swimming pool, and a variety of recreational and arts activities.

The median age of the residents of Fort Stanton City was 33.8 years, with 17.9% of the population under the age of 18. The next most populous group was 25-44-year-olds, followed by 16.7% of people 65 and older. The gender makeup of the city was 50.6% male, 48.3% female. This is the same as the national average. There are a variety of other statistics that are available for Fort Stanton City.

The area of 19911 Ft Stanton Drive is one story. It has a total floor area of 2,149 square feet. It is believed that the building is not permanently fixed. It can shift depending on outdoor temperature. The building is surrounded by a barbed-wire fence. Although it is a single story building, it can shift depending on the outdoor temperature. If you're interested in purchasing property in this neighborhood, check out for sale and resale values.