Gallina, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to relocate to Gallina, you may have questions about the city's crime statistics. We've included a crime map and population data below. Check out the table below to compare Gallina with other nearby cities. Compared to other cities of similar size, Gallina has a higher crime rate. You can also compare crime rates by comparing Gallina to the New Mexico state average.

There are three types of voters in Gallina, NM. The oldest group tends to vote conservatively. This means that members of the Silent generation and Boomer generation tend to vote for republicans, while younger generations are more likely to support democratic candidates. The median age in Gallina is 45.6 years old, older than the national median of 37.8. Local elections are weighed differently. For example, the federal election is weighed differently than a state election because it is less important to voters in local races.

The official ZIP code for Gallina is 87017. The zip code contains basic information such as the city's address and zip+4 code. You can use the map to move around and zoom in on areas of interest. You'll find the city's schools listed below. The school address, state, and ZIP code are also listed. If you're looking for information about schools in Gallina, New Mexico, the city map can help you determine their enrollment status.