Gila, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Gilal City, AZ, are a good indicator of the area's demographics. The population was comprised of 659 households with 42.9% of the people being under the age of 18 years. A similar number were under the age of 24. Fifty-two percent of the households were married, and twenty-three percent were non-families. The median age in Gila City was 29 years, and the percentage of individuals who were at least 65 was 8.6%. The median age was 29 years old, and there were more males than females in the town.

Before the Civil War, this area was inhabited by Hohokam people. After the war, it became an active stage station and, in 1865, Gila Bend was founded. In the years after the railroad arrived, Gila City became the center of many boom towns and mining camps in central Arizona. The railroad later came to the area, making Gila City a central hub for freight routes.

While there are a few reasons for the increase in evictions, the main reason is failure to pay rent. This deterioration can be seen in the number of evictions, and a large number of evictions can be a sign of a weak economy. Fortunately, ESRI has data on evictions in Gila City, Arizona, and the surrounding areas.