Glorieta, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population of Glorieta City, New Mexico, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find information about the population, race, and steets of the city. Use the map below to see the different areas, and click on a colored circle to learn more about that area. The map also displays racial diversity and scores.

Crime rate map in Glorieta is calculated by calculating the number of crimes committed per 1,000 population in a year. Crime rate per 1,000 population is similar to neighboring cities, but Glorieta is slightly less safe than the national average. The crime rate in Glorieta City is calculated by dividing the city into districts, with the more dangerous areas marked in red. A neighborhood in the center of a city is less likely to have a crime, while one in the north of the city has no crime at all.

The population of Glorieta City is approximately three-fourths Native. Its population is composed of 41% men and 54% women. The median age is 25 years, and there are about 3,000 households per thousand people. The median income in Glorieta City is $86,820. Residents earn an average salary of $51,600. There are many job openings in Glorieta, and it is a great place to live.

The number of immigrants and non-citizens in Glorieta is less than one-tenth of the total of New Mexico's. Its foreign-born population is also lower than the national average. Immigrants have the highest percentage of immigrants than citizens. Glorieta City's population is made up of mostly people from Europe. It has a diverse population and is one of the largest cities in the state of New Mexico.