Grants, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are trying to figure out the population of Grants City, MO, here is a quick snapshot of the area's racial and ethnic makeup. The majority of Grant City's population commutes to work by car or by bus. Other means of transportation include a ferryboat. The median annual income in Grants City is $46,719. While this number is lower than the national average, it is still higher than the national average of $44,773.

The city's population was 4,227 as of the 2010 census. Thirty-one percent of residents were under the age of 18 while twenty-four percent were between the ages of 25 and 44. Another fifteen percent of households were headed by a female without a husband. Twenty-four percent of households were not families, and thirty-three percent were single. Eleven percent of households included an elderly person living alone. The median age was 37 years old. Males dominated the population in Grants City. Males were ninety-one to one. And for every hundred females aged 18 and over, there was a male.

The median household income in Grants City is approximately 30% of the national average, and unemployment is more than twice as high. One-third of the population lives in an area without a car, and nearly twenty percent of households do not own one. Census Tract 412 has a population of 17.5% elderly and nine percent under five-year-olds. The area's median property value is only $64,000, and there is a high percentage of vacant houses.