Jarales, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table provides an overview of the Population & Steets in Jarles City, New Mexico. This city has a slightly better life standard than the rest of the nation. Its average income is $43,468. Residents also enjoy the convenience of public transportation, with buses, subway, and elevated cars all available. But what is the poverty rate in Jarales? At nearly 20%, Jarales is home to a substantial minority of poor people.

The murder rate in Jarales City varies greatly depending on the neighborhood you choose. In the northeast, you are at a higher risk for crime than in the southwest. The northwest, on the other hand, has a lower murder rate than the northeast. The southeast, on the other hand, is considered to be relatively safe. Therefore, the crime rate in these areas may seem higher than the rest. But remember, crime happens where there are people.

As for race, most people in Jarales City identify as white. Only 12.3% are African-American or American Indian. A smaller minority of people identify as Hispanic, which accounts for only 2.6% of its population. The rest are Hispanic or other. The population of Jarales City is about 66,000. There are several colleges in the city. Jarales is located in the central part of New Mexico.

The median age of residents in Jarales CDP is 53.8 years. In comparison, the population of Pueblitos is 73% older than that of Jarales. And the average family size is 2.5. Jarales residents believe that the northwest part of the city is safe. The city also has a high rate of violence. However, there are a number of petty crimes in the city.