La Cruz, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following are the population and stats for La Cruz City. La Cruz City, Mexico has a total population of 19,742 people and is situated at 19 meters above sea level. A high percentage of the population is single. Approximately 39% of households have access to the Internet. The following are some interesting facts and figures about La Cruz City. You can also learn about the local cuisine, history, and culture.

There were 20,442 households in La Cruz City in 2000. Twenty-five percent of those households had children under the age of 18. In addition, 37.0% of households were headed by married couples, while 9.6% of them were headed by single females. Forty-nine percent of all households were non-families. Another thirty-three percent were single individuals. One out of every four people was over 65 years of age and lived alone. The average household size was 2.44 people.