La Luz, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are a resident of La Luz City, you might be wondering: How many people live in the city? Here are the most recent statistics about the town. Its population is 1,525, down 15.4% since the year 2020. The median home price is $182,000, and the home appreciation in La Luz has increased by 8.6% over the last 10 years. Read on to learn more about La Luz.

The population of La Luz City is represented by a population pyramid, including percentages by age and sex. The pyramid reveals the percentage of males and females, as well as children and adults. The pyramid also shows the generational replacement and demographic structure of the city. In La Luz, more women lived than men. However, the ratio of women to men is much lower than for males.

Historically, the city's growth has been horizontal and periurban. Only in the last few decades has verticalization begun to occur. This dispersed growth has left the city with a shortage of building land. Land prices in the historic center have risen sharply. In fact, land prices in some areas have hit 3000 USD/m2.