Lovington, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering relocating to Lovington City, New Mexico, you should know how much it costs to live there. Lovington City is a small, quaint town located in the state of New Mexico. The city's population is roughly 2,000 residents. Residents generally own their homes. The average home is built between 1940 and 1969, and most are owner-occupied. The median home value is $56,400.

The vacancy rate in Lovington City Center is 14.4%, which is higher than the national average of 74.4%. This may indicate that the area does not have a high demand for real estate. It may also indicate that a large amount of new housing has not yet been occupied. Therefore, the crime rate is higher in some areas than in others. There are a few reasons why Lovington is more affordable than other cities in Mississippi.

The racial make up of Lovington is quite diverse. A majority of residents are Mexican (54.9%), but others report German, Irish, English, Norwegian, and other ethnic origins. One in every ten residents is Hispanic. That's not surprising, given that Lovington is comprised of a majority of Hispanics. The city is home to 829 people.

The median home value in Lovington is $56,167, making it the 17th largest city in New Mexico. Its median household size is 2.73. The city is expected to grow by 2.8%. Compared to other similar-sized cities, Lovington has a low rate of poverty, with 0.98 males for every 1 female. The median age in the city is 40. This makes it a relatively affluent city.