Mayhill, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for population and steets in Mayhill City, New Mexico, you've come to the right place. Listed below is the most up-to-date information on the city. The population of Mayhill is comprised of both native and foreign-born individuals. The median age is 57.5, which is higher than the state's average, which is 38.3. In terms of race, Mayhill is close to the national median age of 38.1. The average age of people in Mayhill is also higher than the state's average of 38.1. There are 0% of Americans who identify as being Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, or American Indian. While the population is diverse, its demographics are still conservative.

In June, Denton City Council voted to approve a $35.3 million expansion project of Mayhill Road. At the first meeting of June, an adoring crowd watched the Mayor Chris Watts' mayoral proclamations, which defeated challenger Neil Durrance. The audience began to thin out when the meeting moved to work session. The city is also slated to implement a pilot program with San Francisco-based bike-sharing startup Spin.

The median household income in Mayhill City is $56,756. Compared to the rest of the United States and nearby ZIP codes, this is a higher-than-average income. In fact, more than half of the residents in the city don't even graduate high school. Therefore, if you're looking for a new home in Mayhill City, you should consider the population and steets in Mayhill City to make your purchase.