Moriarty, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Moriarty are listed below for your reference. This small town is located within Moriarty County, New Mexico. Its median household income is $29,144, making it the most affordable place to live in Moriarty. The city has a low poverty rate, with only 1.2 percent of residents being considered poor. The population of Moriarty is overwhelmingly made up of middle-aged adults.

Moriarty has a low population density and a low crime rate. Its residents are overwhelmingly white, with about 90 percent of the population identifying as white. Three percent of the population is of mixed race, and two percent of the residents are Asian or Indian. There is one African-American resident in every hundred. Males outnumber females by a slight margin, 51 percent to 49 percent.

Although Moriarty is a small town, it has plenty of culture to offer visitors. The Southwest Soaring Museum is based here, and the city's municipal airport offers glider rides. The open space and ideal wind conditions make this a perfect place to fly a glider. The town has many attractions, but it is perhaps best viewed on a smaller scale. There's a lot to explore here, but you can't go wrong with a visit to the Southwest Soaring Museum.

The town's history dates back to 1887. Michael Timothy Moriarty, a farmer from Iowa, came to New Mexico with his family to avoid the cold winters. He had moved to the town a mile and a quarter west of Moriarty, and he soon became a rancher in the central New Mexico area. The Moriarty depot remained at the heart of town for a few years before the drought forced him to relocate to more prosperous locations.