Mountainair, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Mountainair, NM, 82.2% of the housing units are owned, while 17.8% are rented. The median rent in the city is $673. This area is also home to 51.3% of households with active broadband internet connections. In addition, the median income in the city is $16,048. This is not an exhaustive list. You may want to see the full breakdown of income in Mountainair, NM.

In Mountainair, NM, the population is 852 residents of voting age. Of these, 54.5% are male and 45.3% are female. The city also has a small but significant minority of senior citizens. The median racial and ethnic breakdown of Mountainair, NM is white (Non-Hispanic), followed by Hispanic, Asian, and Other. It is important to note that the city has a lower percentage of foreign-born residents than the national average. This is because the population is primarily White.

In the year 2000, the population of Mountainair was 1,119. In 2010, it was the ninth-largest city in New Mexico. By 2022, it will be the 10,772nd-largest city. The median household income was $21,146. The median family income was $21,094. The average per capita income was $12,566. The population density was 2,573 people per square mile, and the average number of adults was 3.22.

The population of the city was slightly older than the population of Valencia County. Twenty-seven percent of its population was under the age of 18, while eight percent was between the ages of 18-24 and 45-64. Only 17.6 percent of residents were 65 years and older. The median age was 38.6, and the gender ratio was 87.6:1. These figures are somewhat misleading because the population is so small.