Mule Creek, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets of Mule Creek City, New Mexico. These statistics can help you determine where your property is located. Mule Creek is located near SR 104 and SR 124 and is approximately 4.6 square miles and 2,950 acres. The city was named for the Mule Creek State Prison. Located just north of the city, Mule Creek is home to a large prison, the state's oldest.

The 2010 census reported that there were 3,746 households in Mule Creek City. Of those, 12, or 0.2%, lived in non-institutionalized group quarters. There were also 4,160 institutionalized residents. The median age of the population was 41.5 years. The median household size was 2.56 people. The average household size was two and a half people. This means that the majority of the households were families.

There are several parks in Mule Creek. The Ione Junior High School has a pool, and Howard Park has a regional soccer facility. The Mule Creek State Prison is currently expanding. It will add an additional 800 beds to the existing facilities. Additionally, the prison will be replacing its sewer systems. The city also is participating in a regional wastewater study. And there are many plans to improve the city's parks.

The growth of the City has slowed in recent years. This has been due in large part to the recession and housing bubble, and has been centered mostly on the north and south sides. In 2008, MSR anticipated 3,468 new residential units, but many of these projects have been delayed or cancelled. In 2012, the City's population increased again. In fact, a study conducted by the Sacramento Area Council found that there are fewer affordable units than anticipated.