Nara Visa, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to find out more about the population & steets of Nara Visa City? Here are some statistics and facts that may help you. Nara Visa is home to 52 residents and has a median household income of $45,804. Compared to other cities, Nara Visa has a low poverty rate, which is less than 4%. You may want to check out the demographics in Nara Visa to see if you can move there.

The crime rate in Nara Visa City varies depending on neighborhood. It could be as low as one crime per nine in the west neighborhood, but as high as one crime for every 45 people in the north. While it may seem difficult to compare crime rates between cities, the following simple map shows a crime rate for each neighborhood. The map closely matches the state population map. The southeast neighborhood of Nara Visa has one crime per year. Conversely, the southwest neighborhood has 0 crime per year.

The population of Nara Visa City is estimated to be 44 by 2020, and is expected to remain the same for the next decade. The city's population has declined by 0.00 percent yearly since the 2010 census. The median house value and rent cost are both - per month. The median age of males in Nara Visa is 62.7 years. There are several businesses in the city, including a bank, a drug store, a barbershop, and a bakery. There are at least three dance halls in the city.