Placitas, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median age of the Placitas, NM population is 61.8. This number includes both native-born residents and foreign-born residents. Compared to the national average, Placitas residents are younger than they were in the past. The median age of Placitas citizens was 61.8 in 2019. The most common foreign-born birthplace was Mexico, followed by the Philippines and Germany, with 4,087 foreign-born residents.

The majority race in Placitas is Spanish, with the rest of the city being non-white. The racial composition of the city is based on the self-identification of residents, with darker shades indicating a larger racial majority. As for the age ranges of the residents, the majority group is 60 years old for men and 59.8 years old for women. The dominant mode of transportation in Placitas is car, followed by van or truck (93.6%), while the minority group is represented by other means.

Although the crime rate in Placitas City may look high based on these statistics, it's actually lower than other neighborhoods in the city. The west part of Placitas, for example, has more retail establishments, making the area seem less dangerous than it is. In fact, crime rates in western Placitas are much lower than those in the southwest, which are characterized by a high concentration of retail establishments.

The population of Placitas is 409, which makes it the 255th-most populous city in the state of New Mexico. This city is home to several other towns, such as Las Tusas and Mimbres. This means that almost 50% of the population is male. There are also two percent women in every household, which makes the population of Placitas even more male-dominated.