Ponderosa, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Before deciding to move to a new neighborhood, you should know a little bit about its characteristics. Here are a few statistics to help you decide which one is right for you. If you are considering relocating to a new community in Oklahoma, you may be wondering how many people live in the Ponderosa City area. The following data will show you the demographics of this community.

The population of Ponderosa is comprised of mostly single-family dwellings. A majority of households in the city own at least one car. But, some households may have two or three cars. Even more surprising is the fact that households in Ponderosa Park own four or more cars! That is significantly more cars than the national average of 97.7%. And, with a median age of only 33 years old, the neighborhood has a relatively young demographic.

Ponderosa is home to a large population of military personnel. Several residents of this town have served in the Gulf War in the 1990s. While males earn $44,687 more than females, the income inequality in this community is only 0.462. Listed below are the median household and individual incomes in Ponderosa. The economy of this community supports 117 residents. It also employs 29 people in the sectors of Other Services Except Public Administration and Retail Trade.