Ramah, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Demographics can tell you a lot about a city. Ramah has 146 people of different races, and 0.0% of its residents are black, and 19.9% are Hispanic or Latino. You can also learn more about the number of people who are white-collar or non-white. Also, you can learn how much money each resident makes each year, and whether they own a home.

The nearest cities to Ramah are listed below. Listed in order of distance from Ramah City, these towns and cities are closest to the city. These locations have at least one major airport within driving distance. If you're traveling to Ramah, you can search for flights to one of these destinations. You can also check out flights from cities that are close to Ramah, AL.

Crime rates in Ramah City are calculated using the number of crimes committed per 1,000 people each year. While crime rates in Ramah are below the national average, they're still lower than the national average. Despite this, you can rest assured that your family is safe with a neighborhood crime map. If you're worried about safety in Ramah, you can use Crime Grade's crime map to avoid any mishaps.

Population & Steets in Ramh City