Ranchos De Taos, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a population and steets analysis for Ranchos De Taos City, NM. The city is located in northern New Mexico and is the county seat. The city was founded in 1795 by Nuevo Mexico Governor Fernando Chacon as a trading outpost for the nearby Native American Taos Pueblo. It was incorporated in 1934. The town's name means "red willows."

The population of Ranchos de Taos City, NM was 2,435 people in 2019. This includes 865 households with incomes below $15,000 a year. These income levels correspond to HUD's 30% Area Median Income. These individuals have limited options when it comes to market-rate housing. They must rely on subsidies from public housing authorities to afford rental housing.

Taos County is home to a significant minority of African Americans and Asians. Compared to other cities and towns in the U.S., Taos County has a significantly smaller percentage of Asians than the national average. This is because Asians and Hispanics make up a minority of the population. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing.

The population of renter-occupied housing units in Ranchos de Taos City is 99% higher than the population of the surrounding cities. The number of renter-occupied households is significantly higher than the local median income. In 2016 there were no evictions in Ranchos de Taos. Despite this, the city has a high demand for moderate-priced rental housing.