Sapello, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know how many people live in Sapello? This article will tell you about the Population & Steets in Sapello City. You can also see a map of Sapello's population. This map will show you where the majority races are. In Sapello, the darker the shade, the higher the percentage of that race. The map will also show you the city's diversity scores, if available.

If you plan on living in Sapello, New Mexico for an extended period of time, you'll want to consider a larger city nearby. These cities generally have more people and major airports. If you don't plan on staying in a Sapello, NM house, you can search for airports in cities four hours away. You can also search for airports in cities closer to Sapello.

The city's population is sparse, with the median household income of $24,375, significantly lower than the national average. Sapello's population is older and racially diverse, and many of them are married. The median home value is $156,100, which is higher than the state and Las Vegas areas average. It's important to note that Sapello is part of the 'Santa Fe Trail' and therefore has a high rate of unemployment.

The 87745 ZIP code includes a small number of people who didn't finish high school. A higher percentage of people living in this ZIP code completed college. Approximately one-third of the population in the 87745 ZIP code has a high school education. Sapello has a total population of 3,038 residents. You can view Sapello City's full population and street maps by clicking here.