Torreon, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The latest Population & Steets in Torrenon City are available in our interactive map. You can change the map layers and view it in full screen mode. Alternatively, you can embed the map on your website, Facebook page, or other website. However, please note that the map is not creative commons licensed. For further information, please visit our Torreon City page. It includes a link to the Torreon Economic Census.

The Municipality of Torreon is located in Coahuila state, Mexico. The city covers an area of about 1,947 km2, which also includes much of the rural area south of the city. The town has an elevation of approximately 1,120 meters, which is relatively low for the interior of Mexico. The surrounding terrain is flat with a few prominent relief formations to the southwest. Torreon is located in a low-lying area that's ideal for growing and consuming agricultural products.

The Torreon City area was occupied by indigenous peoples prior to 1500. Then, ranches and farms developed along the Nazas River and began utilizing it for irrigation. In the mid-19th century, a torreon was built near the river. It later became a mining and livestock centre. The city was officially incorporated as a village in 1893.

As the largest city in the state, Torreon was once a prosperous town. Japanese auto parts manufacturer Takata and U.S. firms once sought to establish manufacturing operations here. However, since the Zetas swept the city, it has been hard to attract big names to the area. The city's reputation for corruption is a major cause of its demise, so local politicians are trying to find a way to resolve the issue.