Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Truth or Consequences City are not always accurate. However, the information they do contain is generally accurate. In fact, the city's population was only 373 people at the 2010 census. The median age of residents in Truth or Consequences, NM was 51.5 years old. While the median age of native-born residents was 51, the median age for foreign-born residents was 55 years old.

In Truth or Consequences, NM, the population is composed of three ethnic groups: White (Non-Hispanic) and American Indian & Alaska Native (Hispanic). In addition, there are 249 people classified as American Indian / Alaska Native (Hispanic). 97.6% of residents in Truth or Consequences, NM are citizens of the United States.

In Truth or Consequences, NM, the median property value was $85,300 in 2019. The homeownership rate was 63.9%. Most residents commuted by car alone. The average commute time was 14.8 minutes. Approximately 2 cars were registered in each household. Regardless of age, Truth or Consequences, NM has a great quality of life.