Veguita, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population - Veguita has 81 residents, with a median home value of $135,900. The median commute time is 16.9 minutes, and there are about 81 people per square mile. In terms of the overall cost of living, Veguita is a nice place to live, with median home values being 4% higher than the state average. Listed below are the top industries for the city, according to the most recent Census data.

The median home value in Veguita City is $94,200, and most households have mortgages. Rent rates are high, with rents typically exceeding $1,000 a month, including utilities. Most Veguita households have health insurance coverage - 0% through employer plans, 38.4% through Medicare, and 61.6% through private insurance or other means. There is no public health insurance in Veguita.

The Bureau of Business and Economic Research in New Mexico is responsible for creating population forecasts for all counties in New Mexico. These forecasts form the statistical basis for the MRCOG. For Veguita City, the MRCOG projects the population to grow at a slow rate, from approximately 19,000 people in 2010 to 115,500 in 2025. The forecasted population increase is slightly slower than that of the previous decade, but the overall growth rate remains steady at 20 to 22 thousand new residents per decade.