Athol Springs, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in finding out more about the population and steets of Athol Springs City, Massachusetts, you've come to the right place. Keep reading to learn about the city's history and current population. You'll also learn how to get there! Listed below are some useful links:

The Millers River runs through the city, and the community took advantage of this natural feature by qualifying for the UrbanRiver Visions program in 2002. It is the site of the city's six historic public nature areas, including Bearsden Forest. This area is home to hiking trails, camping areas, old quarries, ponds, brooks, and other natural features. Athol has a lot to offer.

According to the 2010 census, the population of Athol was 181,045. Of this number, 89.6% were white, 11.6% were black or African American, and 0.4% were American Indian and Alaska Native. Another 6.1% were from Some Other Race, and 4.0% were of Two Or More Races. Twenty-nine percent were Hispanic, which includes Puerto Ricans. The median age for the city is 33.4 years, and the population is composed of Non-Hispanic Whites and Hispanics.

The area was originally developed as a textile mill in the 1880s, and after World War II, factories began to populate the river valley. During the early twentieth century, the town was the center of activity for the entire region. A tollbooth was located nearby, and the Fifth Massachusetts Turnpike passed through the city. The town's industrial and commercial activity continued to grow after World War II, with its first industrial plant in 1964.