Austerlitz, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Auserlitz City, NY. Learn more about the town. Austerlitz is a town in Columbia County, New York, United States. The population was 1,654 at the 2010 census. The town is located in the eastern part of the county. Although it has a small population, it has a density of 34 people per square mile. Its public schools are above average.

Education attainment is the highest level of education a person has received. This figure is often used to describe schooling or college enrollment, and the percentage of people over 25 years old in Austerlitz. The data used for this indicator are census blocks. Education attainment in Austerlitz City is also relevant for career decisions. The highest level of education attained by residents in the city is a bachelor's degree.

In terms of age, Austerlitz has a median age of 40.8. This city also has a median income of $56,490. Austerlitz has a total of 2,881 households. Of these, 24,662 are single family detached homes. Likewise, there are 12,939 married couple households, while 67 are nonfamily. The rest is made up of two-to-five-unit apartments.

Paul Bernstein was appointed Town Supervisor. He has the power to act as Supervisor when the supervisor is not available or incapable. He also has the power to attend Columbia County assemblies, although he has no voting power. Ultimately, he is responsible for maintaining the town's financial health and welfare. He will ensure that the citizens of Austerlitz can make informed decisions and are safe from financial fraud.