Bedford Corners, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Bedford Corners is approximately 6,500 people. Most of the population of Bedford is white, but there are other races and ethnic groups that also make up the city's population. The zoning district was primarily based on a Traditional Neighborhood Overlay. A total of 2,627 housing units are owner occupied. There are about 10% of empty properties, and the rest are either for sale or for rent.

The median household income for Bedford was $36,316 in 2012. This is considerably lower than the statewide and county median incomes. Several factors contributed to the low family income, such as the high concentration of low-income housing. As of 2011, 17.8% of Bedford residents lived below the federal poverty line. Eighty-six percent of those living in poverty were minorities. This means that the population of Bedford is much more diverse than the average city.

The age distribution of Bedford residents is relatively balanced. The city's population is mostly black. There are approximately 27,000 adults, which is approximately 5% higher than the national average. The median age in Bedford is 42.9. In 2000, that same population was 40.9, and the median age is now just over 40. While the city's age composition is more balanced than in other parts of the country, the ratio of very young and old residents has significant implications for service delivery.

The Bedford Police Department provides a comprehensive range of animal control services. The department also manages the deer population in the town's boundaries. The department helps people deal with animals, and prevents property damage. Further, it works with the town's municipal government to ensure that the town's deer population is kept under control. The Town also has a long-term development plan for the area.