Bellerose, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering buying a home in Bellerose City, it's important to know how the population is composed of different races and ethnic groups. Asian Indians, for example, make up 18 percent of the population, and Hispanics make up 14 percent. This is because Bellerose has seen an increase in Hispanic and Asian immigration in recent years. Despite the increasing population, there are still a large number of white families in the city.

The population of Bellerose City is diverse. There are two subgroups: Hispanic and white. Whites make up nearly half of the population, while non-Hispanics make up the rest of the population. Native Americans, Hawaiians, and Other Pacific Islanders make up 7.7% of the population. Among other cities and towns in New York, Bellerose has the lowest percentage of Black and Hispanic residents.

The population of Bellerose City is 1,155, which is a 3.1% increase since the 2000 census. The area's population is expected to grow by 3.9% by the year 2040, based on census data. The percentage of children under the age of 20 is 13.2%, while the percentage of people in the 60s and older is 15.4%. And if you want to know the number of retirees in your neighborhood, this is an important aspect to consider.

The percentage of married couples living in Bellerose is 85%. This percentage is the highest in the region, but Bellerose's proportion of female-headed households is the lowest in the area. The median household size in Bellerose is 3.5 people. If you are considering moving to Bellerose City, these statistics may help you decide whether or not you want to make the move. Just make sure you have the right information at hand before making the decision.